Category Archives: Radio

Rural Minnesota Radio

The search for child care

This week the Center’s research director Marnie Werner talks about the Center’s newest publication, “A quiet crisis: Minnesota’s child care crisis.” The number of in-home family child care providers has dropped precipitously in the last ten to twenty years, and it causing problems not just for families but for their employers as well.

Minnesota’s child care crisis

Issues and hot topics at Farm Fest 2016

One of the highlights of Farm Fest every year is its educational panels, featuring everyone from scientists and government officials to candidates running for office talking about the big topics in agriculture. This week, the man who organizes those panels, Kent Thiesse, joins us to give us a preview of who will be there and what they’ll be talking about. Farm Fest takes place Aug. 2-4 at the Gilfillan Estate near Redwood Falls.

Farm Fest 2016

GMO labeling: Where are we at? Part 2

Dave Ladd of RDL Associates joins us again this week for more discussion on the new federal GMO labeling legislation that is expected to be signed into law in Washington at the end of the month. The House and the Senate managed to hammer out a bill that didn’t make everyone happy, but it was enough of a compromise to get passed. The work now will be implementing the law over the next two years.

GMO labeling: Where are we at? Part 2